Jackie & Donnie
Wedding Date: September 28, 2013
Location:St. Mary’s Church, Odell, NE
Ensemble: Violin Duet
The whole day was wonderful. The weather cleared up and was beautiful, but the day went by too fast. A clear memory in my head is walking down the aisle while clinging tightly to my father’s arm because I was so nervous. I looked for my soon-to-be husband only to see him smiling back at me and I remember thinking to myself, “You are so worth it.” -Jackie

Photography by Impulsive Works Photography www.impulsiveworks.com
Ceremony Music:
- Candle Lighting: Ave Maria by Franz Schubert
- Seating of Grandparents & Parents: Parent’s Prayer by Greg Davis
- Attendants: Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring by J.S. Bach
- Bride’s Entrance: Be Thou My Vision, Traditional Irish
- Unity Ceremony: How Beautiful by Twila Paris
- Recessional: Ode to Joy by Ludwig van Beethoven